Crown Chakra- ( Sahasrara)- (purple, white, gold)- Element-(thought)
Mantra- (OM)
(Location)- Top and center of head.
(Glands)- Pituitary.
(Physical Body parts)- Skin, central nervous system, muscular system, cerebral cortex, skeletal system, brain, endocrine system, and hypothalamus.
(Physical imbalances)- Brain tumors, Migraines, amnesia, Hysteria, Exhaustion or fatigue, Multiple Sclerosis, Catatonic, or mental disorders.
(Mental and emotional imbalances)- Depression, apathy, confusion, destructive tendencies, loss of joy or happiness, cynical of religion and faith, Uninspired, feeling limited, or self sabotage, or greed.
(Underactive traits)- Lower chakras are overactive, cannot trust that needs will be met, do not believe in higher power than self, trouble learning new information, feel separate from the universe around you.
(Overactive traits)- Obsessed with information in all things or one in particular, addicted to religion and spirituality, obsessed with becoming an expert, too concerned with humanity as a whole neglecting the present situation in favor of the world's situation, and you feel disconnected from your body.
(Affirmation)- “I see”
(Essential oils)- Lavender, frankincense, sandalwood, peppermint, lotus, melissa lemon, helichrysum.
(Yoga)- Headstand, shoulder stand, tree pose, mountain pose.
(Crystals)- Clear quartz, white topaz, selenite, amethyst, diamond, phenacite, kunzite, Herkimer diamond, moonstone, apophyllite, sugillite, and sapphire.
Wear all white or a combination of white gold and purple.
Practice gratitude
Set an intention that you are in connection with your crown chakra which is the Divine energy within yourself, and the Divine/God/Goddess/Universe/Source/Higher power.